CCL Astrotech
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CCL is a revolutionary astrological prediction system that provides highly accurate and personalised up-to-the-minute & time-based astrology predictions based on your exact birth time and place. CCL factors in astrological prediction offsets induced by varying time zones geographically as well as historically (war time etc), and provides a gamut of mathematically generated & granular results including periodical graphs extensible to a week or your entire lifetime. Results are specific to fields like career, relationships, financial status amongst others coming up soon.

Driven by a proprietary astrological prediction software engine which allows CCL to digitize complex prediction scenarios & Astrology rulesets, CCL is accessible via a plethora of live delivery channels including Phone, SMS & the Web. As a pioneering offering, CCL is also available as a cloud hosted third-party astrology prediction service for B2B & institutional customers, exposed via a web service.

Borne of a path breaking astrologist, one technology visionary and over 4000 Man-Days of R&D and testing, CCL beta is your first glimpse of a revolution to come.

We invite you to try out this beta service for free and provide us with your valuable feedback which will be treated with utmost confidentiality to improve our service delivery model.

Again, welcome aboard!

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